In this recorded webinar, Professor Lisa Stamp explores the management of gout as a long-term condition and challenges old beliefs. Dr Noni Richards introduces the EPiC Gout dashboard and outlines how it can be used to highlight and address inequities.
Episode Four: Let's talk gout (part 2)

Episode four of Legendary Conversations demonstrates use of the three-step Ask, Build, Check health literacy model, through an acted discussion between a prescriber and a patient. The purpose of this podcast is to show how the ABC model can be incorporated into discussions about the long-term management of gout, to help improve outcomes. Throughout this episode you'll hear learning moments that highlight different steps of the model, as well as other important lessons to note.
Remember to link people to Arthritis New Zealand for free support and advice about gout. Educators can be called on 0800 663 463 or a call back can be requested online at
Please note that this is the podcast version of the video Let's talk gout.
Note: This educational resource is not intended as a treatment guide for gout; any clinical decisions regarding treatment remain the responsibility of the clinician.
Additional resources
Click the links below for more information about the ABC Health Literacy model discussed in this episode.
- Health Navigator: Health Literacy
- HQSC: Three steps to better health literacy - a guide for health professionals
More He Ako Hiringa gout resources can be found in our gout repository.
Reflection Activity: Learnings from Legendary Conversations
You can use the learning from this podcast, and others in the series, for continuing professional development purposes. A guided independent reflection activity on gout is available to download and complete - click here.
Professional college endorsements
The College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) has endorsed this course for 30 minutes of professional development.
This activity has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 0.5 CME credits for continuing professional development purposes (1 credit per learning hour). To claim your CPD credits, log in to your Te Whanake dashboard and record these activities under the appropriate learning category.
This activity has been endorsed by the PSNZ as suitable for inclusion in a pharmacist’s CE records for CPD purposes.