Access, adherence and ailments - Māori experiences and solutions

1 minute to Read + 90 minutes to Watch
27 February 2023
Hover over the timeline to find the different chapters in this video.

Presented by pharmacist researchers Joanna Hikaka, Nora Parore and Brendon McIntosh, this webinar explores:

  • Māori experiences of accessing treatment and care for minor ailments
  • Māori perceptions of medicines adherence and what health professionals can do to help
  • Māori-informed solutions to improving medicine access equity
  • Incorporating research and patient experience into our daily practice

This video is a recording of the live webinar hosted by He Ako Hiringa on 23 February 2023. It is suitable for all health professionals.


  • 00:00 - 06:30 Introduction
  • 06:30 - 32:49 Joanna Hikaka
  • 32:49 - 42:05 Brendon McIntosh
  • 42:05 - 53:16 Nora Parore
  • 53:16 - 54:56 Reflection questions, acknowledgments and references
  • 54:56 - 1:27:43 Q&A and closing

Questions for reflection

These questions can be used as a prompt to undertake critical reflection that may be relevant to your Continuing Professional Development.

  • Did you learn any new information from watching this webinar?
  • What was the main thing you learned from the webinar?
  • How does information in the webinar relate to your own practice or practice setting?
  • What ways could you engage with your own patients and communities to understand whether these issues are the same or different in your setting?
  • What, if any, information shared in the webinar differs from your own cultural values or beliefs?
  • How can the information shared in the webinar be used to address power imbalances that may exist in your practice?
  • What action can you take to respond to issues raised in the webinar?
  • Are there connections and relationships you have, or could make, with providers in your local community that are relevant to the information shared in the webinar?
  • What methods could you use to understand whether these actions are useful for your patients/community?
  • What is the most important action you will take as a result of the information shared in the webinar?
  • Are there any current barriers that would prevent this action? If so, what are these?
  • Consider using this webinar as a focal point for a peer support group activity.

Māori and medicines access video

This 8 minute video provides a quick introduction to the work discussed in this webinar.


Joanna Hikaka

Joanna Hikaka (Ngāruahine) is a pharmacist and health researcher with clinical and research experience in older adult health, Māori health and health service development and has worked across primary, secondary and aged residential care settings. Dr Hikaka is also a member of the He Ako Hiringa expert advisory group.

Nora Parore

Nora Parore (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai, Ngāti Kahu o Whangaroa) is a pharmacist and Māori health researcher with a background in community pharmacy. Ms Parore also has regulatory and government agency experience, and is a member of the inaugural PHARMAC Māori Advisory Rōpū.

Brendon McIntosh

Brendon McIntosh (Kai Tahu) is a primary care pharmacist and population health pharmacist in Te Waipounamu. He is currently undertaking his master's degree through the University of Auckland.

Professional college endorsements

This activity has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 1.5 CME credits for continuing professional development purposes (1 credit per learning hour). To claim your CPD credits, log in to your Te Whanake dashboard and record these activities under the appropriate learning category.

This activity has been endorsed by the PSNZ as suitable for inclusion in a pharmacist’s CE records for CPD purposes.

Professional college endorsements