CLASS: Beyond medicines for gout

The CLASS suite of education activities has been designed in accordance with the NZ Pharmacy Council recertification requirements. Although this CLASS activity is suitable for all healthcare professionals who have read the article Beyond medicines for gout, GPs and nurses may prefer to complete a multichoice quiz assessment instead - available here.

The suite of CLASS activities provides meaningful independent and peer group learning that you can put into action, while helping you complete your annual recertification requirements.

You can choose how many elements you wish to undertake, depending on your professional development plan, but it is recommended that you complete both CLASStime and CLASSact before CLASSmates.

If you would like to download or print the above CLASS Roadmap diagram please click here.

CLASSact objectives

  • Improve understanding of gout and its management
  • Reflect on how competence standards have been met in practice
  • Consider how new knowledge can be implemented in practice
  • Prepare for a peer group meeting on this topic

Completing this CLASSact activity may allow you to fulfil some or all of the following elements of your annual recertification requirements:

  • Keeping up to date
  • Towards culturally safe practice
  • Written reflection

Please note: PDFs will not automatically save to your device or be stored on He Ako Hiringa after you have filled them in. You need to download your own version and save to your own device. For help with using an editable PDF click here.

CLASSact answer template

Download via the button on the right. This will provide you with both knowledge and reflective questions for independent learning.

CLASSmates objectives

  • Build relationships with professional peers
  • Share new knowledge gained from CLASStime and CLASSact
  • Improve understanding of cultural safety
  • Develop SMARTER strategies to improve practice

A facilitator guide, notes template and Jamboard tool (for online meetings) are also provided.

Completing this CLASSmates activity may allow you to fulfil some or all of the following elements of your annual recertification requirements:

  • Keeping up to date
  • Towards culturally safe practice
  • Engagement with professional peers
  • A peer group meeting guide and activity tool based on CLASStime and CLASSact

Please note: PDFs will not automatically save to your device or be stored on He Ako Hiringa after you have filled them in. You need to download your own version and save to your own device. For help with using an editable PDF click here.

CLASSmates facilitator guide

Jamboard tool – for online meetings (or if your group prefers digital to paper-based tools), participants should access the Jamboard tool. This is explained in the above Facilitator guide but for ease of access you can find the Jamboard template here.

CLASSmates user guide

It is strongly recommended that you read CLASStime and independently complete the CLASSact worksheet for this topic before your peer group undertakes CLASSmates.

CLASSmates notes template

The note taker uses the CLASSmates notes template to record attendees and meeting outcomes, then participants can add their personal reflections after the meeting.