EPiC Asthma specific data stories

EPiC Asthma

EPiC Asthma excludes patients aged 50 years and older. All stories describe medicine use over the last 12 months. Click here to explore EPiC Asthma.


The EPiC dashboard describes asthma inhaler dispensing in a cohort of people aged under 50 years either dispensed inhalers or admitted to hospital with asthma in the previous 12 months. Some of these people may have an alternative diagnosis (eg, COPD, post-covid cough, other acute respiratory illness or for children under 5 years old, pre-school wheeze).


This data story shows the patients who have been dispensed an inhaler primarily used for asthma, or have been admitted to hospital for asthma in the last 12 months.

SABA–only use

This data story shows the patients with asthma who were dispensed SABA inhaler(s) without any maintenance therapy in the last 12 months.

Total SABA inhaler use

This data story shows how many patients in the asthma cohort were dispensed six or more SABA inhalers in the last 12 months.

Maintenance therapy use

This data story shows how many patients in the asthma cohort were dispensed each maintenance therapy in the last 12 months.

Inhaler carbon footprint

This data story shows the carbon footprint of potentially inappropriate use of salbutamol.