EPiC Youth mental health specific data stories

7 June 2023
EPiC Youth Mental Health

EPiC Youth mental health excludes patients aged under 12 years and over 25 years. Click here to explore EPiC Youth mental health.


The "Percentage of population" option in the filter is calculated by dividing the number of people dispensed the medicine in a particular demographic group by the total number of people in that demographic group (at a national level, and at a practice and practitioner level).

Enrolled youth

This data story shows the number of youth patients and an overview of which medicines they have been dispensed.

Youth dispensed psychotropic medicines

This data story shows the youth patients who have had psychotropic medicines dispensed in the last 12 months.

SSRIs over time

This data story shows how many patients were dispensed SSRIs, mirtazapine or venlafaxine over the last four years.

SSRI treatment duration

This data story shows the duration of treatment for youth dispensed SSRIs.